Monday, October 17, 2011

How to Make Your Penis Bigger Without Losing Your Dignity

Many of us have come to equate penile enlargement with loss of dignity.
Most of the people who equate penile enlargement with loss of dignity are those who limit themselves to the traditional view of penile enlargement, seeing that the traditional view is that penile enlargement is only possible through surgery: which involves subjecting yourself to some quite humiliating situations.
It would probably be an understatement to say that the road to this penile enlargement surgery is strewn with humiliating treatment right from the outset, when you consult your doctor with the problem that you think your penis is too small, and therefore are in need of penile enlargement help through surgery. The doctor, typically a general practitioner won't take your word for it, and in the best interests of the science of medicine, they are sure to tell you to undress so that they can check the veracity of your claim. So you humble yourself as you undress before the doctor.
Satisfied that your penile size problem is indeed real, your general practitioner refers you to the right specialist to deal with the issue, in this case a plastic surgeon with interests in andrology. But the plastic surgeon, too, will want to have a look at your organ, to see whether you are actually in need of enlargement...and to develop a plan for the surgery if indeed that is the case. So you have to undress again.
Once the plastic surgeon is satisfied that you indeed have a need for penile enlargement, and before they can commence on the surgery, they will typically send you to a radiologist who can take X-rays of your organ to ensure that the surgery goes on well. So once again, you have to undress before the radiologist can position the X-ray camera and then leave you alone in the room (for fear of exposing themselves to radiation).
When the day for the surgery finally comes, don't expect the plastic surgeon to do it on his (or, scandal, her) own. You can be sure that a team of 'experts' will be at hard to see your penis being enlarged, from the anesthetist, to the theater nurse (typically quite a bunch of them, just in case something goes wrong)...and perhaps even a bunch of medical students brought in to see how penile elongation is done in the lab, in the interests of perpetuity of the medical science.
So by the time you get your penis enlarged, more than 20 people could have seen it. This might sound un-dignifying to you, and if that is the case, you might want to know whether there is an alternative to it.
Thankfully, through the use the right male enhancement pills (the variety that addresses the problem from its root by bridging hormonal or nutritional problems that could causing your penile size issues), you stand a chance of gradually enlarging your penis without ever letting anyone get even a glimpse of it... and thereby defending your dignity. If you feel that you are in need of penile enlargement, you just pop into an online store selling male enhancement pills, order for a package of what you consider the best penis enlargement pills, and wait to have them discreetly delivered to you...then proceed to use them to make your penis bigger in a dignified manner.
Find more techniques on how to make your penis bigger at our site. You can also buy male enhancement pills from our site.

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