Monday, October 17, 2011

How Can You Increase Your Chances of Success After a Vasectomy Reversal?

Almost 500,000 men opt for vasectomy as a permanent mode of contraception each year; however, 5% of them change their mind in future and choose to go in for vasectomy reversal; that is almost 25,000 men who get vasectomy reversal done each year. The decisions to reverse a vasectomy can be motivated by several factors such as the untimely demise of a child, divorce, death of the spouse, change in financial circumstances or simply the desire to be a father one more time. If you find yourself reconsidering your decision to not have children in future and are contemplating a vasectomy reversal in future, you should get as much information about the procedure and the aspects associated with it.
A vasectomy reversal surgery can cost in the tune of $10,000 to $15,000 depending on the country, state and clinic that you get the procedure done in; however, other factors such as the type of anesthesia used, the experience of the doctor, the type of reversal procedure conducted and any complications that you may have can all augment the final cost of the procedure. With so much money, hopes and dream at stake, it would only be fair to choose a doctor is competent enough to have a high success rate with vasectomy reversal procedures. So here are a few tips on how to choose a good surgeon for the surgery and other information on how you can improve the chances of success after vasectomy reversal.
When choosing a surgeon you should not only look for the educational qualification but also how much relevant experience the doctor has in conducting such surgeries, any accreditation that he/she may have received etc The surgeons expertise and experience will matter a lot so don't hesitate to ask the surgeon questions related to the type of procedures that he/she can handle, if he has even conducted a surgery on a patient who had already been through a vasectomy reversal without success in the past. All these factors will make a big difference to your chances of fathering a child naturally after the procedure.
The clinic where you get the procedure done should also be considered carefully. Ideally choose a clinic that specializes in vasectomy reversal procedures; most establishments that offer different fertility treatments are inclined to encourage their patients to choose IVF over vasectomy reversal because of its high cost and higher margin of profit. However, you need to understand that IVF is not only more expensive intrusive and painful then vasectomy reversal but it also has a lower rate of success. You should go for a clinic that offers a plethora of services related to vasectomy reversal for instance an Andrology lab that will be used to analyze the health of the sperms and a facility where sperms can be stored so that they can be used in case the reversal surgery does not work.
You will have an option to store your sperms for future use during the surgery; this option should definitely be takes to ensure that you have a recourse to achieve conception if the surgery does not work.
If you are not absolutely confident about the fact that you do not want to have children in future, you should not choose a permanent form of contraception like vasectomy. If you are likely to change your mind in future about being a father, it is best to approach a surgeon at the earliest because the sooner you get the reversal procedure done after the original surgery the higher will be your chances of regaining fertility. While people who get vasectomy reversal done in one to three years after vasectomy have a 70% chance of fathering a child, people who wait for ten or more years educe their chances to just 30%.
It is also important to ensure that you get the vasectomy done through a qualified surgeon so that there will be no problems when reversing the surgery.
Seomul Evans is a Internet Marketing consultant for Vasectomy Reversal and a contributor for a vasectomy Reversal articles.

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