Sunday, October 16, 2011

Extremely Potent Antioxidants and Nutrients From Exotic Fruits and Berries

Many foods which are rare in the typical American diet contain vast amounts of important vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. Acai Berry, Goji Berry, Hawaiian Noni Fruit, Mangosteen, and Pomegranate are some of those foods being included in recent health supplements and herbal extract pills. And like all herbs and supplements, these natural ingredients come with two basic benefits -- they carry no side effects and promote overall good health.
Acai Berry (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) has become popular since it was featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show. The secret to Acai Berry's extraordinary health benefits is that it contains an abundance of antioxidants -- substances which seek out and destroy free radicals, toxins that cause cancer, aging, and cell deterioration. Acai Berries have been proven to support cardiovascular health, promote good cholesterol, and combat the aging process. In addition, research at the University of Florida suggests that acai may be used to treat some forms of cancer.
Free radicals are naturally occurring toxins, however radiation from the sun, electronic devices, smoking, alcohol, and other harmful habits can cause an increase in free radical damage. Antioxidants are particularly important at this moment in history, when our lifestyles include a higher exposure to free radical-inducing conditions.
Pomegranate is a familiar fruit which helps boost immune system function and cell growth. Like Acai Berry, pomegranate is rich in antioxidants from punicosides and phenolic compounds. According to the February 2006 issue of Cell Cycle, Pomegranate was able to cause apoptosis (cell death) in aggressive prostate cancer cells.
Hawaiian Noni Fruit is also a potent source of nutrients. In tests published by the Asian Journal of Andrology, Noni Fruit has exhibited anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, and immune enhancing effects. Like many herbs and dietary supplements, Noni has been used for hundreds of years, and its restorative properties are only now being proven by Western science. According to a study cited in Phytotherapy Research Noni was able to reverse the growth of cancerous tumors in 25-45% of mice.
Goji has been used traditionally in Chinese medicine to slow the process of aging. Today, Goji extract has been shown to improve patients' responses to immunotherapy, a form of treatment for cancer. In addition, Goji Berry can help alleviate inflammation, skin irritations, and other aches and pains.
Mangosteen contains a high concentration of antioxidants from xanthones. Studies have shown that xanthones can induce apoptosis (cell death) in tumors, leading some to believe that mangosteen may one day be used in treatments of cancer.
Goji and Mangosteen are often sold as overpriced juices. Furthermore, these juices are often times made from concentrates, a process which destroys many of the healthy ingredients in the fruit. When sold as dietary supplements in pill form, however, the nutrients are properly preserved.
The benefit of taking a daily regimen of supplements made from these fruits and berries is that all of their nutrient capacity can be concentrated in one easy to ingest form. Also, consistency and persistence are the keys to benefiting from herbal supplements, as assimilating these nutrients into the diet in a quantifiable form is the only way to receive their extraordinary health effects.
Ronald P. Smolin is President of the Good Health Group of America LLC.
The associate editor Stephen T. Landis is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and a health & nutrition editor for the Good Health Group of America LLC.
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