Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Shrinking Penis Panic

In September 2003, news sources documented numerous accounts of mysterious foreigners (origin and description varying with each retelling) in Khartoum, Sudan who were causing penises to disappear by shaking the hands of their victims in public. Details were rarely consistent but media accounts told of victims who reported that their penises began to "melt into their body" either after shaking hands or using a "penis-melting cyborg comb" that had been given to them by a mysterious stranger. One Sudan based columnist went as far as reporting in a foreign-based newspaper that ""Even though what I write today will harm 'tourism' in Sudan, I consider it my duty to warn anyone who wants to come to Sudan to refrain from shaking hands with a dark-skinned man. Since most Sudanese are dark-skinned, he had better avoid shaking hands with anyone he doesn't know...". The mysterious hand-shaker (often referred to as Satan`s Friend) was said to drain men`s virility through a handshake and then extort money from victims to regain their lost manhood. The accusations and recriminations were directed against numerous convenient scapegoats including Zionist agents attempting to exterminate the Sudanese by preventing men from procreating. Despite medical examinations that determined no indication of sexual abnormalities in victims, it took an active intervention on the part of the Sudanese government (including numerous arrests of alleged victims and others accused of practising sorcery) to bring an end to the hysteria. While it was ultimately deemed to have been a hoax that got out of hand, the furor took a while to subside.
Despite being the most widely reported outbreak, what occurred in Khartoum was only part of a epidemic of genital shrinking hysteria reported in six West African nations between January 1997 and October 2003. There appears to be superficial resemblances to the cultural psychosis known as Koro, but with a significant twist given the nature of the accusations that were leveled against mysterious others who were attempted to emasculate African men. Cases of perceived genital shrinkage have been primarily reported in South-east Asian males although similar cases have been reported in non-Oriental cultures and seem to be associated with a fear of losing sexual potency.
What then are we to make of what happened in Khartoum in 2003? It seems likely that the epidemic was fueled by media coverage but the political turmoil resulting from a long and bloody civil war (which has since escalated) probably played a part as well. There seems to be little available information on psychological or demographic factors that may have made the victims more vulnerable to suggestion. While mass hysteria is a convenient label for outbreaks of unusual symptoms, it seems to mask the very legitimate fears that people in a given time or culture may experience and which may emerge in an exaggerated form with the right provocation. For the Sudanese males who were affected, the fear of ethnic cleansing (including the very real ethnic cleansing occurring in Darfur) may well have driven the epidemic with various scapegoats (domestic or foreign) being proposed as targets of potential retribution.
While the idea of penis-shrinking hysteria may make for entertaining reading, the paranoia that can be triggered during mass hysteria outbreaks shouldn't be dismissed so easily. The violence that can erupt as a result of mass hysteria has led to some tragic episodes over the years.
Witch-hunts (sometimes literally so) have claimed countless lives through the centuries and even "civilized" people can form lynch mobs under the right circumstances.
In other words, don't believe everything you hear (especially if it involves penis-melting combs).
Romeo Vitelli received his doctorate in Psychology from York University in Toronto, Ontario in 1987, He spent fifteen years as a staff psychologist in Millbrook Correctional Centre, a maximum-security prison run by the Ontario government. In 2003, he successfully escaped prison and went into full-time private practice. He maintains offices in Toronto and Hamilton, Ontario dealing with forensic and neuropsychology cases. Check out his website at http://www.drvitelli.com and his blog at http://www.drvitelli.typepad.com

Penile Enhancement - Your Guide to Pills, Pumps, Surgery & Overall Penile Enhancement

There are a number of ways to enhance the size of your penis, however, it's often difficult to ascertain the safest and most effective means with all the poor information scattered around the Internet today. In a means to solve this dilemma, I have composed the following information to help you on your quest to find relevant penile enhancement information.
Pills are a quite popular method of penile enhancement, and with due cause. There is a lot of discrepancy as to 'how' effective these pills actually are, but the testimonials and guarantees are endless. Some argue that with the various contaminants that have been found in scientific studies, such as hallucinogens, E. Coli, and yeast, that the placebo effect of the penis enhancement process is the only true result. While others claim to have gained several, measured inches in short periods of time with no side effects.
Pumps are a bit more widely documented than pills in terms of their efficacy. Pumps can work as an effective technique for penile enhancement, but the effects are considered to be temporary from most published scientific sources. And, if not extremely careful, these pumps are often attributed to broken blood vessels and consequently, infections of the penis.
Surgery is well known to be the most effective means of penile enhancement, but also the most dangerous and expensive. Penile enhancement surgery can run upwards of $10,000 and can cause long term damage in the form of impotency, scarring, and total loss of sensation. And, according to St. Peter's Andrology Center almost 70% of penile enhancement participants reported being 'dissatisfied'.
We all know that having a larger penis can be great for your self-confidence and the quality of your sex life, however, use extreme care in selecting any unnatural means of enhancement. Surgery, pills, and pumps can have extreme side effects - including impotence and even death.
For the many inquiries I receive with regard to making your penis larger naturally, here is my personal recommendation: Natural Penis Growth Exercises
Jerry Jones is an Ezine expert author in the fields of sexual function and anatomy and has over 300,000 published article views.

Unico Differential Counters

Nowadays, the demand for Unico differential counters is steadily on the rise in the medical industry due to the top, reliable performance they deliver. For treatment of various blood borne diseases like leukemia, anemia and others, differential count of blood cells are taken where differential counters have a very important role to play. Today, they have become handy solutions for carrying out medical researches related to hematology, pathology, microbiology and andrology.
Key Features of Unico Differential-Counters
Unico's popular models of differential counters are mainly available in three different models, L-BC3, L-BC6 and L-BC9. Most of their features are almost the same though their size and weight widely vary. L-BC3 features 2-keys, L-BC6 features 5 keys with totalizer window and L-BC9 model comes with 8 keys with totalizer window.
Unico differential-counters come in rust-proof and acid resistant, heavy duty plastic cases. Full white blood cell maturation strip chart, WBC maturation series Picto-strip, wide base with rubber feet for stable use and dual reset knobs are the added features of these devices. There is a special bell attached to these models to give a signal on counting 100 cells.
Unico Differential-Counters - Best Choices for All Medical Laboratory Settings
Unico differential counters are known for their quality, style, value and reliability. They are durable, and ensure long term performance without any hassles. These products function well even in the most demanding laboratory settings. All models of differential counters from Unico are backed with the industry's best warrantees. Presently, these quality products are made available to customers through different dealers and distributors.
Find the Best Dealers in the Industry for Getting Good Deals
For getting good deals on Unico differential-counters, it is important to find the best dealers in the industry. Most of them provide their customers with easily accessible technical support on purchase of their products. A search online will help you locate the dealer of your choice.
Apart from Unico differential-counters, these dealers offer other lab equipment including microscopes, analyzers, spectrophotometers, colposcopes and more, for all your research needs.
Block Scientific is the affordable source of fine Medical Laboratory Equipments like Centrifuges, Differential-Counters, Chemistry Analyzers, Electrolyte Analyzers, Hematology Analyzers, Blood Gas Analyzers and more.

The Bitter Truth About IVF

The evolution of modern medicine over the last 100 years has been phenomenal. Keyhole surgery and some of the diagnostic tools available today have made it possible to identify and deal with some of the health problems in a quick and easy way.
Post accident and trauma treatments are second to none as well as the replacements of worn joints. Thanks to modern technology and procedures we can now have artificial joints, bypasses, donor organs, pace makers and postpone death for longer. But at what price? And what quality of life can we expect if we are dependent on two fistfuls of prescription drugs, one for our condition and the other to counteract the side effects of the first fistful? And why did we allow our health to deteriorate so far?
Technology can not prevent disease nor enhance ones wellbeing and overall health. Technology can not remove the cause of a disease or a condition. Only you can do that.
Somewhere in the last 100 years we started believing that these amazing advances in medicine will take care of anything that goes wrong in the course of our lives and that we don't have to do anything on our part to stay healthy and well.
Some 20 years ago tables have turned when we got a healthy dose of reality check. Drugs bring in tow an array of side effects and contraindications of which some can be quite debilitating and can significantly reduce the quality of life.
Infertility treatments are no different;
There is a place for assisted reproduction technology and sometimes that is the only viable option. Having said that even if you choose that option without trying the natural methods first, just remember that you can actually do both to double your chances of success with ART.
A study by Foresight, the Association for Pre-conceptual healthcare in the United Kingdom shows that couples going through IVF are up to 47% more successful if they used pre-conceptual health care program first.
The same study demonstrated an astounding success rate of 81% of conceptions among couples previously diagnosed as infertile. Among those who conceived there were no miscarriages, no perinatal deaths, no malformations and no newborn admissions to intensive care. Women who participated in the study were between 25 and 45 years old and Men between 25 and 59 years old. (Pract. Midwife)
Those numbers speak for themselves, not to mention the following figures which illustrate the financial implications.
Financial Costs of ART
In the US an average IVF cycle costs between $10,000 and $15,000. Analysts have reported costs of about $35,000 per delivery in younger women, while medical costs per delivery are over $132,000 for women over 40. (Marc Perloe, Your Total Health)
Additional charges apply if you choose a donor, artificial insemination and freezing, ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) and PGD (Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis). You health cover may not even cover the newer procedures as they've only been around for a short time and the risk factors as well as generational effects have not yet been established. Besides for women over 40 IVF is up to 4 times less cost effective. (The Medical Journal of Australia)
An Australian study on the costing of ART found that the average health care cost per non-donor ART live birth was $ 32, 903 ($24,809 if under 30 and $97,884 if under 40). The staggering cost of live birth for women aged 42 and over was $182,794! (The Medical Journal of Australia)
Now that is a lot of money, especially if you take the following findings into consideration:
Health Risks of ART
Studies have shown that IVF drugs are dangerous for the health of mothers as well as babies and there is no clear evidence they increase a woman's chance of conceiving. Multiple studies have documented the high risk of birth deformity and severe health problems associated with IVF births. A study from Finland in 2005 showed 43 babies out of every thousand conceived using IVF techniques suffered from a variety of abnormalities including genetic deformities, brain disorders, developmental delays and genital malformations.(Dr. Geeta Nargund).
Dr. Alastair Sutcliffe of the Institute of Child Health at University College London and Dr. Michael Ludwid of the Centre for Reproductive Medicine and Gynaecologic Endocrinology in Hamburg, conducted a study where they examined 3,980 articles in medical and scientific journals published between 1980 and 2005. The study results showed that there are significantly higher risks of long -term medical problems for children conceived via artificial means such as IVF and ICSI. The doctors have advised that the children should be monitored well into the adulthood as there are no long term data available about their health as adults.
The study showed that there is:
· 20%-34% - higher risk of miscarriage
· 55% - increased risk of pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure in pregnancy)
· 155% - increased risk of stillbirth
· 170%-200% - increased risk of very low birth rate
Another study conducted in 2007 showed that children conceived through IVF visit hospitals significantly more times than naturally conceived children.
Dr. Marjo - Riita Jarvelin, professor at Imperial College London reported that certain disease groups such as infections, respiratory and inflammatory diseases and neurological disorders were more common among those born after IVF.
In addition concerns have been raised about the impact of IVF on mental health of the women undergoing the procedures. Such high unnatural doses of artificial hormones play havoc with a woman's body and mind which is only worsening already distressed and depressed state many women find themselves in when they find out that they are infertile.
Researchers have warned that women seeking treatment for infertility have an increased rate of depressive symptoms and possibly major depression. (Hum. Reprod.)
In the light of the numerous concerns that have been raised among scientists about the increased risk of serious undesirable side effects F. Comhaire and A. Mahmoud from the Centre for Medical and Urological Andrology, Ghent University Hospital in Belgium concluded that:
"IVF and ICIS treatments must be reserved as the ultimate option after evidence-based and cause-directed treatment of the male patient with deficient semen has been exhausted".(F. Comhaire and A. Mahmoud from the Centre for Medical and Urological Andrology, Ghent University Hospital in Belgium)
Furthermore Dr. Geeta Nargund, head of reproductive medicine at St. George's Hospital in London, warned about consequences for a woman's reproductive organs later in life, especially uterine cancer. Dr. Nargund pointed out that IVF drugs used by fertility clinics are unregulated, and since the existing guidelines are not binding fertility clinics are free to prescribe dangerously high doses of drugs, even though there is NO SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE to show that it will help the women conceive, nor what the long term consequences are.The bottom line is more research is needed.
Couples are emotionally, physically and financially broke after repeated cycles of IVF. The last thing they need if they do get pregnant, is a miscarriage or a still born baby, not to mention the heartache and continual financial strain in case of a child with malformations and frequent visits to a hospital or a lingering worry about woman's health as she approaches older age where a natural tendency towards declining health already exists.
Taking all of this into account (and that's not even all there is!) it is only fair to say that IVF IS A BAD FIRST CHOICE. Leave it as the last option, after you've exhausted the natural options which will only make you healthier in the long run. And since you can use preconception health care with IVF, by all means make use of that choice to really minimize all the risks to your and your baby's health (and your partner's indirectly) should you still opt for IVF in the end.
And remember if you want a complete guide with step-by-step instructions on how to increase your odds of conceiving naturally and to learn about why ART may not be the best solution for you, see my "Why Popular Methods are Not a Long Term Solution" that's part of my "Natural Fertility Cures Program" only available at http://www.natural-fertility-cures.com
© 2008 Iva Keene and Australian Natural Therapeutics
You can, as long as you include this complete text with it: Leading Switzerland based internationally recognized naturopathic physician and natural fertility expert Iva Keene publishes the celebrated 'Boost Your Fertility Naturally' ezine with 1,000+ subscribers. If you want to get pregnant naturally, avoid miscarriages, double the success rate of IVF if you must use it and have a healthy baby using natural fertility with exceptional success, get your FREE Natural Fertility advice now at http://www.natural-fertility-cures.com
Iva K. Keene
Fertility Specialist
Registered Naturopathic Physician (UK)
SPAK Registered Natural Doctor (Switzerland)
Qualified Naturopath (Australia)
Natural Fertility Cures Program - available only from http://www.natural-fertility-cures.com "The revolutionary new evidence based fertility program derived from complimentary medicine research and practice"

Ways To Make Your Penis Longer Without Enhancement Pills

There is nothing wrong to make your penis larger. You be surprised how many men in the world are insecure about their penis size. In fact, the penis enlargement industry is a multi-million dollar business. You see penis enlargement products everywhere from men's magazine, radio shows and television commercials.
Penis enlargement pills are commonly advertised in email spam. Research performed by reputable universities shows that there is no real evidence that pills work. In fact, they found that a lot of products have a lot of contaminants such as dangerous bacteria, lead, pesticides, mold and yeast. In addition, they concluded most people think it works because of the placebo effect.
There are effective ways in which you can increase your penis size:
  • Surgery. Surgery used for enlarging the penis has been performed for many decades. It enlarges the penis size but according to the Institute of Urology in London and St Peter's Andrology Centre, has found that most people weren't happy with the outcome.
  • Cosmetic. You can make your penis look bigger by trimming your pubic hair or by reducing your weight.
  • Penis Pump. It consists of a cylinder that is applied over the penis. A motorized or manual pump is used to create suction. If too much pressure is applied, it may cause vascular damage to your penis.
  • Hanging. Hanging is a technique that has been used for centuries by specific African tribes. Basically, a rope or strap is wrapped around your penis and is pulled down by gravity using a weight. However, it is best to avoid this technique because it can cause excessive trauma.
  • Penis Exercises. It is one of the most effective and safest ways to increase your penis size. Exercises are to be performed daily and can be performed for only a few minutes a day.
Discover A Genuine Way To Permanently Enlarge Your Penis [http://sexsecrets911.com] At Home - Using Just Your Hands By Visiting [http://sexsecrets911.com]

Saturday, October 22, 2011

6 Steps To Help Women Overcome Impotence In Their Relationship

Male impotence, transient erectile problems and premature ejaculation can occur at some time or other in all relationships. When this happens it not only affects the man, but also the woman feels distress. Any sexual dysfunction, including premature ejaculation can deprive the woman of sexual pleasure and cause personal and psychological distress as well.
But there are steps couples can take to overcome male impotence and improve their relationship. There's no need to try to ignore sexual dysfunctions or suffer in silence when there are ways of achieving satisfying sexual relations for both of you. Just follow these six steps as reported by "Andromeda Andrology Center, and "Osbon Medical Foundation," of Georgia.
o Admit the effects of impotence on you and your relationship
o Consider your physical and psychological health
o Explore the relationship factors that predict successful treatment
o Learn about the causes and treatments for impotence
o Discuss this problem with your mate and determine your true sexual needs
o Seek medical consultation
The first step, of course, is admitting there's a problem. As the two of you think about your sexual relationship, try to understand the influence that impotence has had on both of you. Then together decide on how you a plan to approach it and what you're going to do to help one another cope and better your sexual relationship.
Feelings, thoughts, and behaviors in relation to any sexual dysfunctions will have an effect on both your physical and psychological well being. A case in point is Ellen and Paul. Since undergoing triple by-pass surgery a year ago, their sex life has dwindled.
Ellen decided to do something about it, planning a special night together, ensuring there'd be no distractions or interruptions. "I'd been looking forward to this special time together to share a fulfilling, intimate experience," explains Ellen. "But in spite of my caresses and cuddling, Paul couldn't seem to respond. The more I tried, the more anxious we both became."
Any woman in a relationship with an impotent man can relate to this experience. It's not just the man who suffers, the woman does, too. Women begin to think about possible reasons for their partner's sexual dysfunction and wonder if they're to blame.
Women have many of the exact same concerns as men do in regard to impotence. That's why it's also important to talk to one another about what may be causing the sexual dysfunction.
In approximately 85% of cases, male impotence is caused by something physical, that can be diagnosed and in most instances is treatable, with some even curable. So it's important for men to see a doctor and have a medical consultation.
It's important to discuss what both partners need from their sexual relationship. Today in society we're conditioned to think and behave a certain way in regard to sexual behavior. What you feel sexually when faced with an impotent partner, and what you believe you're supposed to be thinking and feeling can be two very different things.
It's important for men to remember their partner may be having the same frustrating feelings they're having. But good communication can help straddle the hurdle of impotence and sexual dysfunctions while working together to become a team again.
Norm Hem is the CEO of [http://www.4naturalhealth.net], a leading global authority on all natural health and enhancement products. To download instantly the FREE controversial report, "What Big Drug Companies Don't Want You Too Ever Know, About Male Enhancement [http://www.sutrapryl.com/natural-male-enhancement.html]!" please visit [http://www.sutrapryl.com] or call 1-800-424-1459

How to Increase Your Penis Size - The Method That is Endorsed by Leading Medical Professors

When it comes to increasing penis size, there are maybe hundreds of different methods, and products promoted all over the Internet. Unfortunately, none of them are actually backed by any scientific evidence, and they all lack the backings of real medical doctors.
And really, which real doctor would back a "penis enlargement pill" that is supposed to increase your penis size magically upon ingestion?
But there is something that works. There is a way to increase your penis size, backed by REAL doctors, and backed by REAL scientific studies (how about an article published on the British Journal of Urology?)
The only method that can increase your penis size is something that would use the medical method of "traction". This method applies constant strain on tissue. Constant elongating strain causes the cells on the tissue to multiply. This is called cellular multiplication, and causes the tissue to grow in size.
The method of traction is widely used in plastic surgery, where tissue expansion is needed. The regeneration of new tissue is used to cover defects, burns and hair loss areas. Traction is also used in  surgeries to enlarge the diaphysis of bones and phalanges.
So yes - increasing your penis size is possible. The method of traction, as published in the British Journal of Urology; has increased the sizes of a select group of 20 patients by a scale of over 30% percent in a scientific study! (30% is length increase, girth increase is about 15%) It is time to use the unbelievable method of traction and say goodbye to your small size!
The device is backed by a board of medical doctors, each a respected leader in their own field; including Prof. Dr. Wayne Hellstrom (Urology Professor and Director of Andrology at the University of New Orleans, USA.), Prof. Dr. Ignacio Moncada (Chief of the Urology Unit at the Gregorio Marathon Hospital) and many others.
Click here [http://bigpenisrightnow.info] to see the device, medical endorsements, safety and medical certificates, proof that this will increase your penis length and girth; and even a calculator to calculate how many inches you can add to your length and girth!
If you want a bigger penis and satisfied partners, this device is the way to go! Click here [http://bigpenisrightnow.info] right now for a bigger penis!

Penis Enlargement Surgery Review - Can it Make Your Penis Bigger?

According to medical experts, penis enlargement surgery may be an effective method to make your penis bigger permanently. Many men are considering surgery as soon as they find out most other enlargement options are not effective at all. It is predicted that penis enlargement surgery will be as common as breast enlargement surgery. In fact, data at Wordtracker.com indicates that there are thousands of searches daily for penis surgery related terms at all major search engine.
As surgery can be risky and expensive, you must conduct thorough research before putting the blades on your penis. In this article you will learn the truth of penis enlargement surgery, and what's the best way to make your penis bigger.
There are two types of enlargement surgery:
#1. Penis widening surgery (girth enhancement)
The original version of this surgery involves removing fat from other areas of the body and injects it into the penis. In newer version, allograft, silicone, PMMA or other materials are injected into penis and scrotum to widen the penis (girth enlargement). Most patients are satisfied with the result of penis widening surgery, with average gain of 1.6 inches (Source: Wikipedia). However, as this technique is relatively new, long term safety and effectiveness are not known.
Cost: $5000 - $7000 (Source: WebMD)
#2. Penis lengthening surgery
Do you know that about one third to one half of the penis is hidden inside your body? In penis lengthening surgery, ligaments that connect your penis to pelvis are cut to allow the penis to descend. After the surgery, you need to attach stretcher or weights to your penis daily to maintain the results. If you have a functional and healthy penis, most doctors will advice you against this type of surgery as it carries high risk of losing ability to have erection. According to Nim Christopher, a urologist at St. Peter's Andrology Center in London. More than 70% of patients who undergo the surgery are not happy with the results.
Cost: $5000 - $10,000 (Source: WebMD)
Is penis enlargement surgery for you?
Unless you have circulation problem that prevent you from having erection, or you suffer from erectile dysfunction, surgery is not recommended.
How to make my penis bigger?
The only non surgical way to make your penis bigger permanently is via exercise. There are exercises designed to improve blood flow to your penis and enlarge erection size, e.g. Kegel exercise and Jelqing. You can find free information from the internet on this subject. However, you should join a paid program to get personal supports from experts to make sure you are using the right approach.
Warning: Size does matter! See how I improve erection and grow 2 inches to penis size naturally in just 1 week, click here! I've wasted thousands of dollars and hours in crappy male enhancement products, and finally found a powerful method without pills, device and surgery.
C.Y.Lai is guest writer of Extenz Blog

2 Proven Ways to Make Your Penis Bigger

According to a recent study conducted by University of California, more than 40 % of men wish to have a larger penis. No doubts, with a big member, you stand great advantages in sex. Besides, it is also a great confidence booster, which is a key contributor to better sexual performance. Now, the question is: what is the proven method to make penis bigger? Read on as we discuss 2 proven ways to enlarge your manhood:
#1. Surgery
There are two type of penis enlargement surgery: lengthening and widening surgery. It is estimated that about one half of the penis is inside the body fat. In penis lengthening surgery, urologists cut the ligaments that attach penile tissue to pubic bones to expose the "hidden" parts of penis. After the surgery, patients are required to wear a stretcher every day to maintain the results. Although it is an effective method to lengthen penis, patients are not satisfied mainly due to unreasonably high expectation. According to Dr. Christopher from St. Peter's Andrology Center in London, the dissatisfaction rate of penis lengthening surgery is more than 70%. (Source: Wikipedia).
So what about widening surgery? In this type of surgery, fat is removed from other areas of the body and injected into penile shaft. Unfortunately, the result of the surgery may not be permanent. According to Dr. John Dean from netdoctor.co.uk, the injected fat may disappear within a year.
#2. Penis Exercise
The only non surgical way to make your member bigger is penis exercise. Penis exercise works by promoting growth of penile tissue and chamber. When penile chamber is enlarged, it allows penis to store more blood during erection. As a result, you will observe harder and stronger erection. Besides, penis exercise helps you to last longer in bed and boost sexual stamina.
Web savvy readers should have no problem to find free penis exercise program from internet. If budget permits, you should join a paid program with personal guidance and support from the experts.
Warning: Size does matter! See how I improve erection and grow 2 inches to penis size naturally in just 1 week, click here!.
I've wasted thousands of dollars and hours in crappy male enhancement products, and finally found a powerful method without pills, device and surgery. So go to this link and find out more about the technique.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Is Penis Enlargement Possible? Separating Fact From Fiction

Is penis enlargement a myth or is it really possible?
The truth is penis enlargement is possible by simply undergoing a surgical procedure called phalloplasty. A third of the true penis length is not visible and is hidden beneath the pubic bone. By cutting certain ligaments surgeons can allow further extension of the penile bone enabling it to protrude further out from the body.
Phalloplasty can be expensive and carries certain unnecessary risks which is best avoided. Permanent damage resulting from surgery, although having a low incidence rate, is generally non reversible. In a study by the St Peters Andrology Centre London, the dissatisfaction rate among men who had surgery was as high as 70 percent.
The possibility of penis enlargement by non surgical means is the concept raising questions. As no proper documented long-term large-scale study has been undertaken, there remains a certain skepticism as to whether these methods work or not.
There are many non surgical methods that claim to be able to enlarge your penis, such as patches, pills, creams, traction-devices, weights, and jelqing exercises. As most men want to enlarge their penises and want to enlarge it without surgery, the growing demand for such products has created the niche market of penis enlargement with the majority of products only available to purchase over the Internet.
The truth is, would these products still be around for all these years if they didn't work? why would hundreds and thousands of men claim to have increased their penis size? Surely not all of them will be lying? By the way, I watched a review of some of these products on one of those weird late night sex programs, and some of them worked. These are the kinds of questions you should be asking yourself when questioning the effectiveness of these kinds of products.
If you want to try a non surgical penis enlargement method, you have to bear one thing in mind. All the merchants promoting their penis enlarging brands will have a tendency to over-exaggerate the miracle results they promise. But this is the same with any other products that claim to enhance a physical appearance; from cosmetics and beauty products, to hair products, to exercise devices to enhance abs and chest muscles. Over-exaggeration of results is a marketing concept designed to get more people to buy.
So anyone who claims you can increase your penis size 3 inches in 4 weeks is clearly over-exaggerating and lying. Once you understand this, you are one step closer to enlarging your penis.
The next issue to overcome is choosing a method that works. The truth is, no one method on its own will give miracle results. The fastest way to enlarge your penis is to combine two methods simultaneously. A popular combination is using pills and jelqing exercises together. This is because a lot of men don't like the idea of having to wear a traction device all day every day for several months. So the popular combinations would be pills, patches, and creams with exercises or pumps.
Once you have chosen which methods to adopt to enlarge your penis, you next have to set yourself a goal. Remember the over-exaggeration claim, you cannot increase your penis size 3 inches in 4 weeks. It's simply not enough to buy only a months supply of pills, patches, or creams and expect results, it won't work. Your goal is to commit yourself for the next 12 weeks. By combining two methods together every day for 12 weeks, at best you might be able to gain about an inch. This is how long it takes, do not trust the marketing campaigns for miracle results, because just trying a method for a few weeks will not work, regardless of which method you adopt.
To sum it up, the truth to enlarging your penis, will be to commit yourself for the long-term, and combining two methods simultaneously. It requires substantial effort and commitment on par to losing weight. That means applying the method every day for several months, if you want to see significant results.
Increase your penis size using a combination of Malextra pills and daily jelqing for fastest results.

How to Make Your Penis Bigger Without Losing Your Dignity

Many of us have come to equate penile enlargement with loss of dignity.
Most of the people who equate penile enlargement with loss of dignity are those who limit themselves to the traditional view of penile enlargement, seeing that the traditional view is that penile enlargement is only possible through surgery: which involves subjecting yourself to some quite humiliating situations.
It would probably be an understatement to say that the road to this penile enlargement surgery is strewn with humiliating treatment right from the outset, when you consult your doctor with the problem that you think your penis is too small, and therefore are in need of penile enlargement help through surgery. The doctor, typically a general practitioner won't take your word for it, and in the best interests of the science of medicine, they are sure to tell you to undress so that they can check the veracity of your claim. So you humble yourself as you undress before the doctor.
Satisfied that your penile size problem is indeed real, your general practitioner refers you to the right specialist to deal with the issue, in this case a plastic surgeon with interests in andrology. But the plastic surgeon, too, will want to have a look at your organ, to see whether you are actually in need of enlargement...and to develop a plan for the surgery if indeed that is the case. So you have to undress again.
Once the plastic surgeon is satisfied that you indeed have a need for penile enlargement, and before they can commence on the surgery, they will typically send you to a radiologist who can take X-rays of your organ to ensure that the surgery goes on well. So once again, you have to undress before the radiologist can position the X-ray camera and then leave you alone in the room (for fear of exposing themselves to radiation).
When the day for the surgery finally comes, don't expect the plastic surgeon to do it on his (or, scandal, her) own. You can be sure that a team of 'experts' will be at hard to see your penis being enlarged, from the anesthetist, to the theater nurse (typically quite a bunch of them, just in case something goes wrong)...and perhaps even a bunch of medical students brought in to see how penile elongation is done in the lab, in the interests of perpetuity of the medical science.
So by the time you get your penis enlarged, more than 20 people could have seen it. This might sound un-dignifying to you, and if that is the case, you might want to know whether there is an alternative to it.
Thankfully, through the use the right male enhancement pills (the variety that addresses the problem from its root by bridging hormonal or nutritional problems that could causing your penile size issues), you stand a chance of gradually enlarging your penis without ever letting anyone get even a glimpse of it... and thereby defending your dignity. If you feel that you are in need of penile enlargement, you just pop into an online store selling male enhancement pills, order for a package of what you consider the best penis enlargement pills, and wait to have them discreetly delivered to you...then proceed to use them to make your penis bigger in a dignified manner.
Find more techniques on how to make your penis bigger at our site. You can also buy male enhancement pills from our site.

Cycling & The Erectile Dysfunction - Impotence Connection

Cycling is an international sport as well as a pleasurable exercise. Many people around the world enjoy it as a past time, a simply a way to travel from A to B or, a sporting event like the internationally renowned Tour de France.
As far as health and danger consequences are concerned, most people would just think about falling off the bicycle, being hit by a vehicle when out on the road, and possibly suffering head injuries. However, there is a triad of sexual health problems associated with cycling that is rarely known about, much less discussed: penile numbness, pelvic pain and impotence / erectile dysfunction in men.
What causes this? The pudendal arteries which are the blood vessels that supply the penis travel underneath the pubic bone. Sitting on the bicycle saddle, usually a hard narrow surface, for a lengthy period of time, results in compressing these blood vessels with the effect of reducing the oxygen supply to these same nerves, causing injury as a consequence.
The first early sign of a nerve injury is tingling which can be sporadic. This tingling may not be particularly bothersome, depending on the individual. However, this symptom is usually a indication that the man should seek help. In its early stages, the injury can almost always be reversed. In reality though, most men ignore this tingling as simply having been on the bicycle too long, since knowledge of such injury leading to impotence, is usually non-existent.
Left alone, and with further time spent on the bicycle saddle, the consequences can be numbness, pelvic and penile pain, and erectile dysfunction (ED) / impotence. It is usually very difficult to undo the damage to the pudendal nerves once the injury reaches this stage.
The Journal of Andrology published a study in 2002: It evaluated police officers who used bicycles in their job. Each spent an average of 5 hours daily on their bicycle. 91% of the officers experienced a degree of intermittent numbness in the penis or groin. The study also researched the night-time erections of these same police officers: these men (compared to non-cyclists) had fewer nighttime erections, which is another early warning symptom of pudendal nerve damage.
The longer the time spent on the bicycle saddle, the greater the risk of injury.
What is the incidence of men cyclists actually developing erectile dysfunction with prolonged cycling? The data is conflicting.The Journal of Urology published an internet survey in 2004. It reported 17% of 688 cyclists developing erectile dysfunction. However, this figure is no higher than that of the general population. Other studies suggested 3 hours or more per week of bicycle riding increases the risk of erectile dysfunction in men.
How, then, can a male cycling enthusiast protect himself against the threat of erectile dysfunction, and STILL continue to cycle?
Ergonomic changes can help reduce the pressure point underneath the pubic bone, thus decreasing blood vessel compression. These changes include:
1. Wearing proper padded cycling shorts.
2. A professional assessment of the bicycle used, and its saddle fit. The pressure points should not be on the pubic bone, but on the sit bones - ischial tuberosities.
3. Using a wider saddle with more padding. Time and effort spent finding the correct fit would be well rewarded.
4. Using a blunt or noseless saddle. This significantly reduces the contact pressure on the pudendal arteries. A study reported a reduction of pineal tingling from 73% to 18% with the use of a noseless saddle.
5. Keeping the bicycle saddle parallel to the ground. Better still is to tilt it slightly downwards, NEVER upwards.
6. Limiting time spend crouched over the racing bars. Compression of the blood vessels increases with a forward flexed position.
Cycling is such a pleasurable sport and pastime that it is difficult to see men stop riding because of the risks of erectile dysfunction. Many will continue riding, and have no problems. However, it is simply wise to take due precautions against potential injury.
Male cyclists should be aware of pudendal artery compression. Equally important, they should pay attention if they experience numbness or tingling in their penis or perineum, even if these are not particularly bothersome, or seem temporary. This is symptom and warning sign of nerve damage, that in some men, can progress to more serious injury, including erectile dysfunction (ED) / impotence. Male cyclists should visit their urologist if they do experience tingling after riding.
A message to male cyclists: Implement one or all of the ergonomic solutions listed above. These measures may help prevent serious, and possibly irreversible, injuries. They may save your erectile and masculine health!

Feminists Bash Men About Their Male Sexual Performance

A fiery debate has long raged in the medical profession on whether male menopause actually exists and what, if any, is its effect on male sexual performance. The questions are many. If it really does exist, at what age will it begin to affect their sexual performance?
What precautions can be taken to avoid its arrival and are there treatments to help reverse it? If it's real, how does it differ from female menopause? It's a no-brainer that men go through sexuality changes as they age, just as women do. The erection-on-demand performance they enjoyed as teens is no longer the case at age forty. Little by little as they age, men begin to notice changes in their sexual performance as the urge for sex also lessens.
As they age, it takes longer for men to get an erection to come on and the penis requires more direct stimulation to get and stay aroused. The erection may also be angled, rather than straight and rigid and ejaculation may not be as forceful. Also, the time it takes between erections gets longer.
Rather than physical, the decrease in a man's sexual performance could also be due to psychological factors like a mid-life crisis. His waning sexual performance could be blamed on any number of external factors. It could be due to lack of interest in an aging wife who isn't the babe she was ten years ago, the stress of work, demands of growing children, or financial difficulties, even worries about caring for aging parents.
So how do you differentiate between a mid-life crisis and male menopause? A mid-life crisis is more a problem of psycho-social adjustment, meaning it may have nothing to do with a man's sex life. However, male menopause is distinctly physiological in nature, similar in many ways to female menopause. Because frequently men can have both physical and psychological factors affecting them, the line between male menopause and mid-life crisis becomes hazy.
Although menopause is most often associated with women, men experience a different type of menopause or 'life change.' Where women cease to menstruate and usually can no longer get pregnant, men can continue to father children. Symptoms of menopause in both men and women are similar and can sometimes be just as overwhelming.
As reported in Andrology: The Science of Dysfunctions of the Male Reproductive System, approximately 40% of men between 40 and 60 will experience some degree of lethargy, depression, irritability, mood swings, hot flashes, insomnia, decreased sex drive, weakness, loss of both lean body mass and bone mass, making them susceptible to hip fractures, and difficulty in attaining and sustaining erections (impotence).
Testosterone (male sex hormone) stimulates sexual development in male infants, bone and muscle growth in adult males and also controls sex drive and male sexual performance. The levels of testosterone diminish gradually after age 40. In healthy males age 55, the amount of testosterone is significantly lower than 10 years earlier, and by 80 decreases to pre-puberty levels.
In 1944 what is now described as male menopause was reported in a key article written by two American doctors, Carl Heller and Gordon Myers. Comparing symptoms with that of female menopause, they did a blind controlled trial showing the effectiveness of testosterone treatment.
But like many pioneering efforts their findings were vastly unreported due to men being unwilling to accept that they could have 'menopause,' while men with genuine symptoms and sexual dysfunctions were often told it was a mid-life crisis or just in their heads.
Around the same time testosterone therapy had come into disrepute in the public eye due to athletes misuse and abuse. So the concept of male hormone replacement therapy for male menopause symptoms, impotence, or sexual performance problems wasn't very well received.
Added to that, the hype about side effects and the tie between prostate cancer and hormone replacement further negated its acceptance by many men.
Only after HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) became popular and produced desirable results for women, providing tangible improvement in symptoms and 'age reversal' in post-menopausal women, did men begin to take notice and jump on the bandwagon, not wanting to get left behind their female counterparts.
Norm Hem is the CEO of [http://www.4naturalhealth.net], a leading global authority on all natural health and enhancement products. To download instantly the FREE controversial report, "What Drug Companies Don't Want You Too Ever Know, About Herbal Viagra Alternatives [http://www.sutrapryl.com/herbal-alternative-viagra.html]!" please visit [http://www.sutrapryl.com] or call 1-800-424-1459

How to Make Your Penis Bigger - An Overview of Penis Enlargement Methods

No matter what the "experts" tell you, the fact is size matters. If your penis size is too small, it's very hard to give your partner the sensation in bed as she just can't feel you "inside" her. If you let this continue, it may lead to an affair. I am speaking this from personal experience, but let's save the story for another day. Now the problem is, with so many penis enlargement products available, which one should you choose? In this article you will learn about various types of penis enlargement methods, including the cost, advantages and disadvantages.
#1: Vacuum Pump
Cost: $30 - $240 (Source: Nextag.com)
Effectiveness: 2/10
Verdict: Vacuum Pumps are widely available over the counter. Its mechanism is based on the concept of vacuum aspiration. Vacuum Pump consists of a plastic pump to be place at the base of penis. When user pumps the air out from tube, a vacuum environment is created inside the tube. As a result, more blood will flow to erectile tissue in penis, resulting in hard erection.
Vacuum pump may help you to achieve harder erection, and makes your penis looks bigger. However, the results are temporary and it will not make your penis bigger! The biggest problem is, as soon as you remove the pump from your penis, it goes back to normal size within hours or minutes. In addition, few sources reported that users may experience "spongy and semi-flaccid" (Source: Babeland) and "cold and numb" (Source: Dr Milton Lakin). Other side effects of vacuum pump include: blisters, temporary impotence, bruising and broken capillaries.
In short, vacuum pump is not recommended.
#2: Penis Enlargement Surgery
Cost: $4000 - $17000 (Source: About.com)
Effectiveness: 3/10
Verdict: There are several types of penis enlargement surgery. One of the common methods is by injecting silicone and PMMA into penis tissue to promote girth grow. Another popular method is called dermal implant. In this surgery, doctors transplant the fat cells from other part of the body to penis.
At first glance, penis enlargement surgery seems like an awesome solution to permanent penis growth. However, according to a study conducted by St. Peter's Andrology Centre and Institute of Urology (Source: Wikipedia), most people are not happy with the results of penis enlargement surgery. In fact, there are tons of law suit against enlargement surgery. According to Ron Nance from Los Angeles (Source: CNN), his penis was smaller than before surgery. Besides, you need to be aware of the many side effects of penis enlargement surgery, including scar, deformation, and loss of sensation.
#3: Penis enlargement pills
Cost: $60 per bottle in average. Note that it is not a one time cost, as you may need to take more than one bottle to see little effects
Effectiveness: 1/10
Verdict: No matter how convincing is the advertisements of enlargement pills, remember this: no single herb and supplement in this world can increase your penis size! The common ingredients of penis enlargement pills include: L-Arginine, Yohimbe, Horny Goat Weed, Ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba. No doubt, these ingredients may help to enhance your sexual health and libido. However, you can find the ingredients in many over the counter supplements at much cheaper price.
In addition, I want to warn you that many enlargement pills in the market may be risky to your health. In the past, few class action law suits have been filed against enlargement pills companies because the products caused side effects to customers. In addition, studies conducted by Wall Street Journal and University of Maryland concluded that some penis enlargement pills contain harmful contaminants at level higher than legal limits.
Final note: Size does matter! See how I improve erection and grow 2 inches to penis size naturally in just 1 week, click here!. I've wasted thousands of dollars and hours in crappy male enhancement product, and finally found one powerful method without pills, device and surgery. So go to the link above and find out more about the technique.
Lee John is guest writer of Sexual Advice 4u

You Should Know the Truth About Penis Enlargement

To have a big penis is such a great deal for other men. They tend to look for ways to make their penis bigger without considering the possible consequences that may come with each procedure. First off, these men must know that they don't need to have a very long penis to really satisfy their partner because erogenous zones of women are just reachable enough. Women can be satisfied with foreplay and knowing that they like and love their partners. But other men cannot be easily convinced with these statements.
Instead of trying to persuade men on the truth about love and sex, it is better to tell them about the truth about penis enlargement. The only proven procedure on penis enlargement is phalloplasty which is a surgical procedure of reconstructing or modifying the penis. It is part of cosmetic surgery and as it is under the cosmetic surgery, it is very expensive. Unless you have a lot of money, you might want to look for other ways. Based on studies, specifically that of St. Peter's Andrology Center and Institute of Urology in London, results show that patients who have successfully undergone penis enlargement methods still do not end up completely satisfied. Only 35% were satisfied with the surgery conducted. Even they if had their private organs enlarged, an artificial penis is still different from the real deal.
Many products are bogusly claiming that they have been researching for years and the best scientists in the world have helped them discover the solution to penis enlargement. Well, there is no such product proven to enlarge penis even instruments such as vacuum pumps and penis constrictive rings. When browse through the net, there are lots and lots of free trials, that often involve artificial goods or those that contain harmful chemicals. They have many hidden charges. At the end of the day, you will be surprised to find out that your credit card has been charged a lot. You can't do anything to get your money back.
Be cautious on having a business transaction over the net because even if we are in the world of high technology, genius criminals are also having fun taking advantage of everyone who will fall for their making money jokes.
Don't risk your money or even your future by buying all the products you see online. Do not fall for size enhancement promises which could give you a permanent damage. By trying all the possible ways, you might even encounter serious health problems including impotence. You cannot go anywhere and blame anyone. You can load the site review with all the bad comments about your results but the effects will remain.
When reviewing penis enlargement products in the internet, look for the pros and cons so that you could get a clearer view of the products strengths and weaknesses. Try to analyze and look for more sources if what you are about to try is real or not. Just try not to rush the process to make sure that you only get the best of what the market has to offer.
Ready to learn the truth about penis enlargement? Go to http://www.MakingYouLarger.com to get your FREE report packed with tips and secrets on how to add over 1 inch to your length.

How Can You Increase Your Chances of Success After a Vasectomy Reversal?

Almost 500,000 men opt for vasectomy as a permanent mode of contraception each year; however, 5% of them change their mind in future and choose to go in for vasectomy reversal; that is almost 25,000 men who get vasectomy reversal done each year. The decisions to reverse a vasectomy can be motivated by several factors such as the untimely demise of a child, divorce, death of the spouse, change in financial circumstances or simply the desire to be a father one more time. If you find yourself reconsidering your decision to not have children in future and are contemplating a vasectomy reversal in future, you should get as much information about the procedure and the aspects associated with it.
A vasectomy reversal surgery can cost in the tune of $10,000 to $15,000 depending on the country, state and clinic that you get the procedure done in; however, other factors such as the type of anesthesia used, the experience of the doctor, the type of reversal procedure conducted and any complications that you may have can all augment the final cost of the procedure. With so much money, hopes and dream at stake, it would only be fair to choose a doctor is competent enough to have a high success rate with vasectomy reversal procedures. So here are a few tips on how to choose a good surgeon for the surgery and other information on how you can improve the chances of success after vasectomy reversal.
When choosing a surgeon you should not only look for the educational qualification but also how much relevant experience the doctor has in conducting such surgeries, any accreditation that he/she may have received etc The surgeons expertise and experience will matter a lot so don't hesitate to ask the surgeon questions related to the type of procedures that he/she can handle, if he has even conducted a surgery on a patient who had already been through a vasectomy reversal without success in the past. All these factors will make a big difference to your chances of fathering a child naturally after the procedure.
The clinic where you get the procedure done should also be considered carefully. Ideally choose a clinic that specializes in vasectomy reversal procedures; most establishments that offer different fertility treatments are inclined to encourage their patients to choose IVF over vasectomy reversal because of its high cost and higher margin of profit. However, you need to understand that IVF is not only more expensive intrusive and painful then vasectomy reversal but it also has a lower rate of success. You should go for a clinic that offers a plethora of services related to vasectomy reversal for instance an Andrology lab that will be used to analyze the health of the sperms and a facility where sperms can be stored so that they can be used in case the reversal surgery does not work.
You will have an option to store your sperms for future use during the surgery; this option should definitely be takes to ensure that you have a recourse to achieve conception if the surgery does not work.
If you are not absolutely confident about the fact that you do not want to have children in future, you should not choose a permanent form of contraception like vasectomy. If you are likely to change your mind in future about being a father, it is best to approach a surgeon at the earliest because the sooner you get the reversal procedure done after the original surgery the higher will be your chances of regaining fertility. While people who get vasectomy reversal done in one to three years after vasectomy have a 70% chance of fathering a child, people who wait for ten or more years educe their chances to just 30%.
It is also important to ensure that you get the vasectomy done through a qualified surgeon so that there will be no problems when reversing the surgery.
Seomul Evans is a Internet Marketing consultant for Vasectomy Reversal and a contributor for a vasectomy Reversal articles.