Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Emergency Room Expertise

No one wants to go to the emergency room, of course, but when you need one you are sure glad it's there.

Many years ago, a good friend of mine was going for a walk through a field, when suddenly, he felt something strange inside his head which was hard for him to describe. Perhaps there was a bit of itching or irritation deep inside his ear, but what he knew for sure was that he heard a loud buzzing inside his head. My friend didn't want to put his finger in his ear to avoid the possibility that he would push whatever had entered his ear deeper inside. He also thought maybe whatever it was would fly or crawl out by itself, and so continued on to his destination.

When he got there, the buzzing was beginning to drive him crazy so he asked someone to look in his ear to see what was causing the problem. Let me try and recreate the scene:

"Hi. Would you mind looking in my ear and tell me if you see anything unusual in there?"

"Hmm, what kind of something unusual?"

"I'm not really sure. All I know is that I hear a constant buzzing in my head and it's driving me crazy!"

"That's interesting. I also constantly hear a buzzing in my head, but I've learned to ignore it."

My friend gave up on this guy as beyond either getting help or giving help, and asked a few other people to take a peek in his ear. No one was able to see anything, so my friend decided he had no choice but to go to the emergency room. After a few hours of hearing this constant buzzing inside his head and no one being able to see anything in his ear, my friend began to think that he either was going or already had gone crazy. So imagine his relief when the emergency room doctor pulled out some kind of large flying insect. The relief only lasted a moment, however, when both the doctor and my friend carefully examined the creature being held by the tweezers and saw that they were looking at only PART of an insect. Something got left behind, but at least the buzzing stopped. After a few more careful explorations in his ear, all the parts were recovered. My friend went on to live long and prosper, without any inner buzzing in his head. As I said before, thank goodness for the emergency room.

The author of this article, Emily Salisbury, has been very grateful to always have excellent medical care from doctors like Josyann Abisaab. She understands how important it is to find a great emergency physician in times of need.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Emily_Salisbury

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