Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Emergency Room Expertise

No one wants to go to the emergency room, of course, but when you need one you are sure glad it's there.

Many years ago, a good friend of mine was going for a walk through a field, when suddenly, he felt something strange inside his head which was hard for him to describe. Perhaps there was a bit of itching or irritation deep inside his ear, but what he knew for sure was that he heard a loud buzzing inside his head. My friend didn't want to put his finger in his ear to avoid the possibility that he would push whatever had entered his ear deeper inside. He also thought maybe whatever it was would fly or crawl out by itself, and so continued on to his destination.

When he got there, the buzzing was beginning to drive him crazy so he asked someone to look in his ear to see what was causing the problem. Let me try and recreate the scene:

"Hi. Would you mind looking in my ear and tell me if you see anything unusual in there?"

"Hmm, what kind of something unusual?"

"I'm not really sure. All I know is that I hear a constant buzzing in my head and it's driving me crazy!"

"That's interesting. I also constantly hear a buzzing in my head, but I've learned to ignore it."

My friend gave up on this guy as beyond either getting help or giving help, and asked a few other people to take a peek in his ear. No one was able to see anything, so my friend decided he had no choice but to go to the emergency room. After a few hours of hearing this constant buzzing inside his head and no one being able to see anything in his ear, my friend began to think that he either was going or already had gone crazy. So imagine his relief when the emergency room doctor pulled out some kind of large flying insect. The relief only lasted a moment, however, when both the doctor and my friend carefully examined the creature being held by the tweezers and saw that they were looking at only PART of an insect. Something got left behind, but at least the buzzing stopped. After a few more careful explorations in his ear, all the parts were recovered. My friend went on to live long and prosper, without any inner buzzing in his head. As I said before, thank goodness for the emergency room.

The author of this article, Emily Salisbury, has been very grateful to always have excellent medical care from doctors like Josyann Abisaab. She understands how important it is to find a great emergency physician in times of need.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Emily_Salisbury

Monday, February 20, 2012

Cure Peyronies Disease - Medical Traction Devices

As we go through our life, it is only common that we might come into a situation that might cause a trauma to the penis. The common traumas are a kick to the penis, or an object hitting the penis. When this happens the body does attempt to recover and therefore plague builds up at the centre of the trauma. More often than not when the penis is healed the plague build up will decrease. There is however times when this doesn't happen and the plague remains and can cause the penis to curve.
This is what Peyronies Disease is, even though it's called a disease it is not actually like other diseases and would better be known as a condition. If left untreated 9 out of 10 times the condition will cure its self, however this does not happen over night and can take many years. It is not harmful but can be very embarrassing as the condition will general cause the penis to have a curvature. This is not normally a small curvature; therefore many men do feel ashamed to allow people to see their penis.
There is however a way to cure Peyronies disease, that doesn't require many years to work. Medical Traction Devices have been designed to keep the penis in the straight position when the penis is non erect. This then encourages cells to divide and multiply with the penis which will help to straighten the curve. This will also force the plague build up to lessen at the point of trauma. Devices are clinically proven to cure up to 70% of curvatures and are medically backed.
Finding the right one is however very important, you do not want to buy a cheap device as it might not last very long or will be made out of poor quality material. Therefore I would recommend going to penis-device-reviews as they do provide in depth reviews of the top 3 traction devices. Click here now to learn how you can Cure Peyronies Disease.
Learn more about Penis Enlargement and how you can enlarge the size of the penis with clinically proven methods. Make sure you do not get fooled by products that do not work to enarge the penis. Find reviews of the very best penis enlargement products at [http://www.penis-device-reviews.com].

Prostatitis and Prostate Adenoma - The Causes

Cause inflammation of the urogenital system in the first place is the weakening of immunity, to which, in turn, results in the use of alcohol and spicy food, smoking, stress, hypothermia, etc.
To lead the development of prostate circulatory disorders caused by stagnation in the pelvis, which are the cause of the rare and irregular sexual intercourse, or, on the contrary, excessive sexual activity, as well as long periods of abstinence, alcohol and smoking.
Among other things, prostatitis can be a consequence of chronic or occupational injury for drivers, motorcyclists, horsemen, etc. Doctors say that 70 out of 100 men suffering from prostatitis, working with transport and high physical exertion.
Recently, increased incidence of prostatitis in men with prostate adenoma. This is due to taking antibiotics for inflammation of the urogenital system. When fading parauretritov and paraprostatitov, lacunar glands are not scars and eventually become a source of adenoma. This leads to the fact that over time, against a background of chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma appears.
According to doctors, the majority of patients with prostatitis had in the past, urogenital infections, most often chlamydia, or mixed infection.
Consequently, we can conclude that chronic prostatitis uretrogennym different origin against hlamdiynyh and other infections, sexually transmitted infections.
Chronic prostatitis is usually present in men, urethritis patients who did not receive appropriate treatment or his past success.
Another reason for the development of prostatitis - herpes virus (second type), or that is not too often, the flu virus.
It is worth noting that in some cases of chronic prostatitis occurs even in the absence of urethral infections. Also prostatitis can occur in the absence of all sorts of symptoms and disorders of sexual function.
Recall that in addition to various diseases, the development of prostate can cause a certain lifestyle and bad habits. A sedentary lifestyle, coitus interruptus, alcoholism, smoking, and even watching erotic films - can cause inflammation in the prostate.
Often men use alcohol as a means to enhance sexual desire, keeping in mind that, thus increasing the desire, they reduce their capacity. In addition, the organism responds to this "to boost" potency disorders, reduced performance, etc. Factors causing potency disorders, also include masturbation, long periods of abstinence, and sexual excesses.
Too vigorous sex life adversely affects the health of men: blood circulation, reduced output of sex hormones, deteriorating the quality of semen. As a consequence of sexual excesses can get the problem of impotence or infertility.
A sedentary lifestyle or lack of exercise, characterized by a decrease in physical activity and restriction of activity, and does not benefit the body, leading to a violation of virtually all body systems: nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, etc. As a result, circulatory disorders appear anoxia bodies in general and in particular the prostate.
Adenoma Of The Prostate: Symptoms And Effects. 
What is the prostate adenoma? The prostate is a source of seminal fluid, which are sperm, and is located below the bladder. It covers the urethra, leaving the bladder. With an increase in the prostate (prostate adenoma) is squeezing the urethra and urination difficult. The prostate may grow to such an extent that urination becomes impossible, and then immediately seek medical attention.
Adenoma of the prostate especially prevalent among elderly males and leads to urinary retention and urinary tract infectious diseases. At the first stage of the disease appear to symptoms such as frequent urination, especially at night. In the future, difficult urination, becomes broken, complete emptying of the bladder does not occur; the current urine is very weak. In severe cases, the complete absence of treatment of prostate adenoma possible acute urinary retention or incontinence. According to experts, half of men after the age of 50 years suffer from prostate adenoma, while among men after 70 of the disease be cured 75% of men.
Treatment Of Prostate Adenoma 
Treatment of prostatitis and prostate adenoma should be entrusted to specialists. After the necessary research and studying the history of the disease the doctor will choose and individual treatment regimen, which combines food correction, drug therapies and procedures as necessary.
Having accurate; updated information on prostate problems is also very important. If you feel that you need more information on prostate problems, E Prostate Problems will take you directly to a Web site that will give you tons of information on prostate problems, Prostatitis, treatments, alternative therapy, specific conditions, Prostate Cancer and clinical trials.

Vigrx Pills - Are They Safe and Effective?

There are many male sex pills available on the market and through the internet. VigRX is a brand that keeps popping up. How safe are these pills and how effective are they? The makers of this pills claim to have helped "millions" of users. As with most all-naturals sex enhancement pills this product claims to have the following benefits:
  • Increase penis size
  • Get increased sexual stamina
  • Harder and longer lasting erections
  • Increased sex drive
Some distinguishing factors for VigRX include exclusive ingredients such as Bioperine®. Bioperine comes from the fruit of Piper Nigrum, also known as Black Pepper or Piper Longum (Long Pepper). Bioperine is composed of 95% piperine. The manufacturer claims that Bioperine safely will increase the absorption of nutrients it is combined with to make the supplement work better.
One big negative with this product is that it tends to be more expensive than many other similar products. While the VigRX site logically focuses on the products formulation and sexual benefits it turns out that many of the ingredients have antioxidants that may also be a factor in overall well being. In general the health industry agrees that while certain extracts may help make erections fuller and last longer, they most likely do not add to actual increase in penis size.
Vig RX Ingredients are:
  • Epimedium leaf or Horny Goat Weed, - increases the libido
  • Cuscuta Seed Extract - increases potency
  • Ginkgo Biloba - improves blood flow plus enhances mental acuity
  • Asian Red Ginseng - boost stamina and endurance
  • Saw Palmetto Berry - helps to increase sexual desire
  • Muira Pauma Bark Extract - a known aphrodisiac
  • Catuba Bark Extract - boosts energy and increases libido
  • Hawthorn Berry - contributes to cardiovascular health
  • Critics of the product suggest the addition of the Yohimbe extract a common but deliverable component in male sex enhancing products for improved results of the product.
Product Pros:
  • Offers a money back guarantee
  • Claims doctor recommendations
  • Lists and describes all the key ingredients
  • Formulated with mostly natural ingredients
Product Cons:
  • No free samples
  • Does not contain the key Yohimbe ingredient
  • More expensive than similar products
  • Does not post reviews from womenBefore using any supplement or Male Sex Enhancement product make certain to review all the available options thoroughly. Check out a review site like www.malesexenhancement.org for a comparison of all the best selling products.
Jennifer Hughs is the pen name for the health and lifestyles writer who is compensated by Value Marketing, Inc. d/b/a Lab88. The author has 20+ years in the cosmetic and health industries and has worked with leading beauty and health publications.

Eat Your Way to Losing Your Man Boobs

The instant your doctor told you that you need to go on a diet in order to lose weight, you might have thought of all sorts of don not eat this and that stuff. Well, you are wrong. You need to eat in order to live, only this time; you will need to watch what you eat.
There are people who are simply so lucky that they are equipped with a good metabolism rate that they can eat almost anything to their hearts content. This is not the case for most of us though, including me. A couple of this kind of food and you will surely see them piling up in my mid section. At least that was before I have mastered the art of a preparing and eating a well balanced diet.
There are a lot of known ways to reduce unwanted body fats- some of them you may even find absurd. To highlight one, let us take eating cayenne peppers as a good example. It is so funny to think that firing hot cayenne peppers literally burns body fat. I can not imagine myself munching on them even despite the desperation to lose weight and lose my man boobs. If you feel like trying it, it is guaranteed to be helpful, so feel free to try it.
However, if you are like me who is simply not so into spicy foods, you need not worry as we have plenty of options to talk about. The saying, an apple a day keeps the doctor away holds true to someone suffering from Gynecomastia because of weight gain. These apples are also known to be effective fat burners same as barley and fresh berries.
A vegetarian diet is also said to be perfect for anyone hoping to lose weight. If you wish to burn more calories, however, your options include foods such as grapefruits, beans, broccoli, cabbage, corn, cottage cheese, greens, melons, kiwi, sweet potatoes, chicken, pasta and coffee. I am sure you are delighted to know that you at least get to keep your coffee.
There are plenty of considerable options that you may look into in order to promote a healthier diet for yourself. So go ahead and enjoy the food but the right ones. You can cook great tasting meals from the list above without worrying about excess fats piling up in your tummy and chest.
Another proof that losing weight is just a matter of food choices is the fact that you need to eat in order to be able to perform an ample amount of exercise each day. Nothing is more embarrassing than going to the gym to do some thread mill and ending in the clinic simply because you failed to fuel yourself up for such a rigorous activity. Therefore, apart from the easy to burn foods, you will also need the kind of food which can keep you up all day.
Remember that the key to be successful in this weight loss challenge is consistency and balance.You can get rid of your man boob by eating your way to health.
Richard Pfeil has put together, with his research team, an effective and the most up-to-date method for getting rid of man boobs online today. Go to http: [http://www.booblessman.com] and download a free report that chronicles the underlying factors behind Gynecomastia. You do not have to suffer with this embarrassing condition any longer. Get you free report on man boobs now. You have full permission to reprint this article provided this box is kept unchanged.

How Natural Penis Exercises Work

Not too many men know about penis or hand exercises as they as commonly referred to. This is not an accident that you have never heard of this. Men have tried to expose these secrets before and they have been silenced by the powers that be. Pill and extenders corporations do not want you to discover this at any cost, because they lose control over your mind and your money. Join the revolution and take control of your own penis size.
The ancient secret that gets men to 8 and 9" erections
Men for thousands of years have known that when they apply pressure to their shaft with unique exercises they can get a longer and thicker penis. This is the case because the erection is not composed of the same body parts that biceps and pectorals are. There is nothing else that can get you larger at all. Everything else does not work at all. It is designed not to work, it is designed to take as much money from as you possible before you realize that it is a total fraud. Hand exercises are a method that will empower you. Anything that is a product that makes a promise will always fail.
You need nothing expensive to make yourself larger at all
Men only need some lubrication and a small amount of warm water to get much bigger for life. You only need these for lubrication and to prevent soreness. This is the only method that can get men permanent size increases that do not involve a professional.
How Natural Penis Exercises Work
It's possible to make your penis bigger because your penis is made of smooth muscle and tissue, and both of these things when made bigger, are bigger forever. The smooth muscle in your penis is not like the other muscle in your body. When you're flaccid, this muscle is actually contracted. This is completley opposite of the muscle that's found in, say, your arms. That is skeletal muscle, and it's only contracted when it's in use. The penis is very different, however, in that the smooth muscle in it is only relaxed when you are erect. This is what allows the blood to freely flow into the penis to make it hard. The tissue in your psnis is also capable of being permanently developed. Together, when stimulated with the hands with pressure, both the tissue and muscle in the penis will grow, giving you a longer and thicker penis permanently. Natural penis exercises work by developing the tissues and muscles in the penis through the use of gentle but consistent pressure that , over time, will make your penis permanently bigger.
Penis exercises can make you larger for life.
The exercises found here, [http://www.WorkOutPenis.com], can make you permanently larger. The penis is not a muscle, so once you get the size you want, you stop and the results last for life with no maintenance.

Small Penis Size - Is It All In The Mind?

Small Penis Syndrome, also known as SPS, refers to the anxiety of men who feel their penis size is way too small even though it is actually a normal sized. Experts believe that a large number of men, approximately 45% according a study, feel they have an inadequate penis size and tend to suffer from low self-esteem because of this reason. Some men even look out for ways to increase the size and often harm themselves while pursuing unsafe methods that claim to guarantee an increase in penis size.
According to clinical studies, the average erect penis is about 5.5 to 6.2 inches long and 4.7 to 5.1 inches in circumference. Most men have a penis which is considered a normal size by the doctors and very few men actually suffer from a small size, clinically called micropenis. A micropenis refers to a penis which is less than 2.75 inches long when erect.
According to psychologists, the urologists should not take the small penis syndrome lightly. Efforts should be made to educate and counsel men into believing that they actually have a normal penis and that the size of the penis is not important when it comes to sexual satisfaction. If this does not work out psychotherapy may by used for men who are overly obsessive over their penis size is disturbing their sex life.
Does penis size matter to women?
According to various studies, the size of the penis does not matter to women as believed by most men. In a survey, 85% of the women were pleased with their partner's penis proportions while their partners were found to be suffering from small penis syndrome.
In a 2005 Internet survey conducted on 52,031 heterosexual men and women, it was found that 85% of participating women were 'very satisfied' with the size of their partner's penis whereas only 55% of participating men were satisfied with their penis size. In the survey only 6% of the women rated their partner's penis as smaller than average.
Many other surveys and studies have been conducted on the subject and all claim that most women are not particularly concerned with penis size. Some women feel that width is more important than the length when it comes to sexual satisfaction. This is because a wider penis provides more friction to the clitoral area while a longer one reaches an area that is less responsive to stimulation. A study team in Britain considering attributes in men that matter to women found that the penis size is much lower down on the list of priorities of women. What matters more to women is a man's personality and external grooming.
How safe are penis enlargement pills?
One should be very careful while choosing penis enlargement pills as many of the drugs advertised over the internet are either fake or unsafe. They may not cause any difference to the size of your penis and in worst cases may actually cause harm to your health. Experts believe that natural man enlargement pills are a safe way to increase your average size. Since these medicines make use of natural herbs, they don't cause any undue side effects. Besides natural enlargement pills contains herbs that also help to increase your sexual performance.
For instance, VigRX herbal enlargement pill contains herbs that work naturally to keep the blood flowing to your penile region so that you enjoy hard erections, more powerful orgasms as well as improvement in the size.
Author provides information on penis size and its importance, penis pills are the safest medium for enlarging penis size, VigRX pills [http://www.buyvigrx.co.uk/] are the best available medication in this regard, it offers herbal penis enlargement which is considered safe.

What You Need to Know About Exercising Your Penis

There will always be a natural way to achieve anything that you want. Not everything can be made artificially better, because it will always be the best option to choose a natural method of doing things. And one of these is when a man wants to have a larger penis.
Exercise is the key to it all. You don't need to try every herbal pills that you encounter, that you read in the magazines and see on TV and the Internet. All those claims are usually just marketing hoopla that are designed to catch a guy's attention and sell him to a promise of a bigger penis. Sometimes the claims are for penis sizes that are so big that it just does not make sense anymore.
There are particular stretching exercises that were designed by experts to make the penis larger and longer. And that's all there is to it. These are all just hand work outs that does not require you to undergo any dangerous surgical procedures or take in untested herbal concoctions.
The way things should go, only the natural ways should be applied to attain the best possible size for a guy's member. Because not all men are created equal, in the physical sense of that popular saying. There are certain methods that may or may not work for everybody, but doing these natural exercises is almost a sure fire thing to do. It's perhaps the only exception there is and not to mention the safest method to even try doing.
Ready to unlock the secrets to safe penis enlargement [http://www.PenisEnlargementAdvise.com]? I reveal all the secrets you will need to know at [http://www.PenisEnlargementAdvise.com]

Patches For Penis Enlargement - Are They Safe?

Most men are concerned about their penis size and a lot of them are trying everything just to increase their penis size. Nowadays, men choose to use natural penis enlargement because natural methods and treatments for male enhancement are known to be cheaper and safer. In fact, penis enlargement is not a new issue for men and with the modern methods available in the market, men have more chances to achieve their goal.
One of the latest penis enlargement methods today is the penis enhancement patch, which has been proven to be effective. Patches for penis enlargement are gaining popularity especially for those busy individuals who desire to have bigger penis size easily and more conveniently.
With these patches, you do not have to take any pills, use any traction device or perform penis enlargement exercises. However, there are numerous programs that recommend male enhancement exercises that can be combined with patches. These patches provide powerful herbal formula that can be applied to the skin safely. This guarantees instant and continuous positive results.
Some patches in the market offer some exercises that can help in fast development on the girth and length of your penis naturally. Patches are proven to be safe when combined with natural male enhancement exercises such as jelqing and stretching exercises.
Most patches in the market provide ten patches each box and it is recommended to change the patch every three days. Male enhancement patches in the market are made from various herbal ingredients so each patch has different quality from the other. It is important to select a patch that is recommended by a medical expert.
Ready to unlock the secrets to safe penis enlargement [http://www.PenisEnlargementAdvise.com]? I reveal all the secrets you will need to know at [http://www.PenisEnlargementAdvise.com].

How Can I Last Longer in Bed? - Priceless Secrets For Premature Ejaculation Sufferers

Alfred Kinsey was a man who all men have to quietly thank for his research into male sexual habits and trends, particularly relating to premature ejaculation.
During his studies and research, Kinsey came to the ground breaking conclusion that as many as three quarters of men were ejaculating within the first couple of minutes with their partner during penetrative sex.  Does this conclude that all these men were suffering from premature ejaculation?  Possibly yes, possibly no, but this would certainly account for such a high ratio of men unable to control their climax for any reasonable amount of time.
If you suffer this problem, take serious comfort that you are far from alone in your problem.  Take further comfort that this does not have to be a permanent agony you need to suffer, there are excellent solutions out there that can solve the problem quicker than you would dare to think.
Some treatments promise very fast results and, true to their word they do deliver upon this promise.  However the "fix" is temporary and only offers you a short term solution to a deep and troubling problem.
Other treatments, including natural premature ejaculation remedies don't even require you to take any medicine as the true battle is inside your head.  And this war can only be waged using information, time, patience and support.  It is however a battle that many men have won in recent years. 
Surely choosing a healthy sex life with a staying power equal to or even surpassing your woman is the ultimate alternative to lasting a few minutes involving a very depressing fumble around in bed, the constant nagging thought that you know your partner is loathing every minute of it, just wishing you could be her sex god in the bedroom again?
"So HowCanILastLongerInBed then Reuben?"
Take my advice, and tackle the problem head on. "Head" being the operative word here as it is your brain causing you most of, if not all of these problems.
Stop your suffering and get yourself a guide now that is proven to deliver fast and long lasting results. Without a thought, go and see the selection at http://www.controlyourclimax.info. Each guide has been used by thousands of men from the USA to China any many have seen outstanding results within very short timescales.
You owe it to yourself to change your life, no one else can do it for you.

Naturally Enlarge Your Penis to 9" With Your Hands

You may be wondering the possibility of your penis growing bigger just with your hands, do not worry many has successfully achieved it yours cannot be an exception. This simple and best technique needs neither pumps nor pills but you will get a harder, thicker and longer manhood just with your natural hands.
For many years, hand exercise has being in existence but the western world kept it silent in other to sell their pills which oftentimes have adverse effects. Right now, most penis pill companies are not happy as the information is now available to all via the internet. You are not required to buy no physical product to complement your hands, just save your money and get what you want.
To get started, it is necessary that you are flaccid when doing this. Grasp your unit with care swiftly at the base and calmly slide your hand up the shaft until you reach the top. Perform this same exercise a number of times, then proceed to moving in different directions. While doing this exercise, concentrate on the two blood holding chambers in your penis because, they retain all the blood during erection and induce your penis to develop fast.
Finally, while doing this exercise you will enjoy a painless radial sensation from the base to tip. The confidence of having a longer and thicker manhood is quite great for it will assure you an unlimited sexual satisfaction to partner. Therefore, naturally enlarge your penis to 9" without exposing yourself to the dangers of pills.
To enlarge your penis fast Click Here Fertility Special Info

6 Ways to Spice Up Your Sex Life?

Releasing feel-good endorphins through exercise can help put you in the mood. The extra flexibility and muscle endurance that results from a regular fitness routine is an added bonus in the bedroom. I prefer those exercises or activities that can be easily built into part of daily life. Take for example; I stay in a high-rise apartment on the 12th floor. Because my working hours are very long, during week days I don't have much time to exercise, which is a problem, most of us face after we leave school. To keep fit, I climb up and down stairs everyday when I leave my place to work and do the same on returning to apartment after work. The beauty of this, I don't need to purposely allot a time for this irrespectively of how busy I can be at times, I don't need to be in any special attire and I can do this whether it rains, shines or snows.
Another exercise you can consider is cycling if you can cycle and your work place and favorite grocery stores is within cycling distance. This can also be easily built into your routine without making too much adjustment in your life style and you can also do your part in helping to cut down carbon emissions. Isn't this cool?
The main point here is to choose an activity that is sustainable and does not cause too much adjustment to your routine so that there is less chance that you may stop half way later for whatever reasons. To me, quitting is very demoralizing. I hope you won't get into such state!
(2) Read steamy novels to loosen you up
Try anything with romance to get the imagination flowing. If you don't have the time and patience in reading novels, watching romantic or love movies are perfectly ok and will be ideal if you can watch with her at whatever place you feel most relaxing.
(3) Tank-up in zinc-rich foods
Zinc is linked to sex hormone levels and can be found in strawberries, raspberries, beans, nuts and of course, oysters. Oh! I love oysters. I like to eat them raw without adding anything on them to "damage" their natural flavor.
(4) Drop a few kilos
Too much body weight can lower self-esteem and lead to conditions that dampen sex drive and performance. Body fat can also bind to sex hormones, and clogged arteries can reduce blood flow where it counts and increases the risk of erectile dysfunction. The way here is to eat right. It can be deliciously painless to eat a low-fat diet packed with fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy products.
(a) Eat healthy fat
Cook with olive oil and canola oil and snack on nuts. Nuts such as cashews, macadamia nuts, Brazil nuts, almonds, pecans and walnuts have fiber and other nutrients that interfere with the absorption of fat. They are satisfying, make you feel fuller longer. Also good is lean protein such as beans, fish, chicken and lean cuts of beef. Look, are you sacrificing a lot in your eating when you follow this suggested diet?
(5) Relax
Stress kills sex drive. A common problem facing especially middle age men who is getting a lot of stress from work. Doing anything you enjoy in your free time is always relaxing. It can be going for leisure trips if you enjoy traveling or it can be as simple as just lying down on bed or watching comedies to laugh out loud in order to release some stress.
(6) Quit smoking
According to Panayiotis M Zavos, director of the Andrology Institute of America and professor of reproductive physiology and andrology at the University of Kentucky in Lexington, he and his fellow researchers have found that men's smoking had a significant and negative effect on the ability to conceive. They also found out that smoking significantly diminished a man's sexual desire and satisfaction - even for young men in their 20s and 30s. The smokers reported having sex less than 6 times a month, whereas non-smoking men were having sex nearly twice as often. Other experts agree that smoking can impair sexual performance. "Smoking causes damage to the smooth muscle inside the penis that interferes with erectile functioning," says Richard Milsen, co-author of The Sexual Male and a urologist for more than 30 years in Woodbury, N.J. "So if men can't perform as well, it would make sense that their libidos would suffer."
Source: Reader's Digest, Eng Hou
Are you looking for ways to "rekindle the flame" in your sex life?
Check this out at 500 Lovemaking Tips
and Revolutionary Sex

Is There Some Sort of Fast Size Penis Enhancement Treatment Available?

For the past ten years if not more penis size has started to come into a league of it's own, with huge marketing campaigns selling magical pills, potions, gels and even extenders it's hard for the average man to not feel, well somewhat inadequate.  But if that's not enough when even many women's magazine seem to be jumping on the band wagon, with full page spreads on how the average size is shrinking!  With thousands of men opting for surgery on a monthly basis and even more going for the extender route what really can maximize your gains in the shortest time possible and can you really enlarge your little guy fast!
See there are three kinds of treatments that you will see massively online, that are designed to "help" you increase your length or girth and they are:
1. Penile Enhancement Surgery
I have seen many different types of surgery online, but which one should I go for and will it work?  A recent study undertaken in the UK said that on average the majority of men were extremely unhappy post surgery and wished they had never had it.  The researchers worked in London at St. Peter's Andrology Centre & Institute of Urology. The study examined 42 men who went through penis-lengthening surgery from September 1998 to January 2005.  This was for one type of surgery but they are all pretty gruesome and offer nothing but long term damage, stay well away.
2. Penis Pills
Those infamous pills keep popping up all over the place, from blogs to forums and even in the form of spam.  But that doesn't mean they don't work, even if they do cost $4 to make and are sold for $90 right?  If you take a look at the most popular selling pill treatments online including the patches you will notice a pattern emerging which is, package buying and very long guarantees that are encouraged to make the user forget they even purchased the product in the first place.  A recent survey sent out by a major manufacturer of these pills say that only 7 in 30 customers ever go onto the second purchased bottle before losing interest.
3. Penile Extenders
Even though the extenders are still fairly brutal when it comes to lengthening or even fattening, you will see time and time again consistent gains with using the most popular brand, even though I don't condone these products they could possibly produce results, but be warned that you will need to be very consistent and use the device every single day.  If you forget to use the device for a week or so, you will immediately return to your original size, a sad fact for many.
Peter M. Cavell has been a sex and relationship therapist since 1997. When couples are having sex problems he always recommends that the men start using the Penis Enlargement Bible
Of the couples who use the guide, nearly all of Peter's clients have said they would recommend it to friends.
Peter used the guide himself and saw over 3 inches of growth in a few months after vowing to improve himself following his messy divorce in 1993. If you think YOU could benefit from a better penis visit: http://www.penisenlargementbible.com

Penile Enhancement - Your Guide to Pills, Pumps, Surgery & Overall Penile Enhancement

There are a number of ways to enhance the size of your penis, however, it's often difficult to ascertain the safest and most effective means with all the poor information scattered around the Internet today. In a means to solve this dilemma, I have composed the following information to help you on your quest to find relevant penile enhancement information.
Pills are a quite popular method of penile enhancement, and with due cause. There is a lot of discrepancy as to 'how' effective these pills actually are, but the testimonials and guarantees are endless. Some argue that with the various contaminants that have been found in scientific studies, such as hallucinogens, E. Coli, and yeast, that the placebo effect of the penis enhancement process is the only true result. While others claim to have gained several, measured inches in short periods of time with no side effects.
Pumps are a bit more widely documented than pills in terms of their efficacy. Pumps can work as an effective technique for penile enhancement, but the effects are considered to be temporary from most published scientific sources. And, if not extremely careful, these pumps are often attributed to broken blood vessels and consequently, infections of the penis.
Surgery is well known to be the most effective means of penile enhancement, but also the most dangerous and expensive. Penile enhancement surgery can run upwards of $10,000 and can cause long term damage in the form of impotency, scarring, and total loss of sensation. And, according to St. Peter's Andrology Center almost 70% of penile enhancement participants reported being 'dissatisfied'.
We all know that having a larger penis can be great for your self-confidence and the quality of your sex life, however, use extreme care in selecting any unnatural means of enhancement. Surgery, pills, and pumps can have extreme side effects - including impotence and even death.
For the many inquiries I receive with regard to making your penis larger naturally, here is my personal recommendation: Natural Penis Growth Exercises
Jerry Jones is an Ezine expert author in the fields of sexual function and anatomy and has over 300,000 published article views.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

TRT can be given in the form of injections, pills, pellets and patches. The decision who to treat, with which preparation in what doses, and for how long, must rest with the individual physician, as part of a joint and informed venture with the patient. Here I can only give my personal experience, and views derived from that and a review of the extensive literature on the subject.
Though when asked where these testosterone preparations come from, doctors sometimes tell patients that it is extracted from Peruvian Bull's testicles in the mating season, both to explain the cost of the treatment and maximise the placebo effect, that's a lot of "Bull" really. In actual fact it is made synthetically in a large scale drug manufacturing process, from cholesterol the same raw material as the body uses to produce it. The cost of these preparations at present is usually roughly two to three times that of equivalent oestrogen preparations used for female HRT, but hopefully as TRT is used more often, drug companies will be able to reduce this sex hormone discrimination against men.
When testosterone was first produced back in 1935 it was realised that being poorly absorbed and rapidly broken down in the liver, it would not be effective when taken by mouth. The answer was to find different routes of administration so as to bye-pass the liver and chemically modify the molecule to slow its rate of absorption and breakdown. One of the most effective means of doing this was to attach side chains to the testosterone molecule and form compounds called esters, the longer the side chain in general, the slower the rate of breakdown.
Injections of pure testosterone were tried early on, but were found to work for only two hours, and though the effects were nice while they lasted, some means had to be found of getting a longer period of action if the treatment was to become popular. The first attempt at this was by making an ester called testosterone propionate. Having a short side-chain it only lasted two or three days, but this enabled it to be used clinically even if it meant injections two or three times a week. This was the preparation used in 1944 by Heller and Myers to demonstrate for once, if not for all, that the male menopause, or male climacteric as it was called then, is due to testosterone deficiency. They also showed in a controlled trial using placebo injections of sesame oil, how the symptoms of this very real hormonal disorder, including erection problems, could be abolished by TRT.
After the Second World War research on finding newer and more effective preparations got under way, and an ester called testosterone enanthate (Primo-Teston Depot) was produced by the Schering company in Berlin and found to be clinically very effective. Having a longer side chain, it was broken down even more slowly, and injections lasted two or three weeks.
For the last 4 years there have been long-acting injections of testosterone undecanoate in castor oil called Nebido, made by Bayer-Shering. These jast 2-3 months and are very effective, but quite expensive.
Oral Preparations
The stronger of the two preparations is a long chain fatty acid ester called testosterone undecanoate, first used clinically about twenty years ago. It is known under the trade names given to it by the Belgian company Organon that makes it, of Restandol in Europe, and Andriol in the rest of the world, including Canada where it has only recently come onto the market.
It is made in small oval reddish-brown oval capsules containing 40mg of the ester, equivalent to 25 mg of testosterone. It is dissolved in arachis oil so that when taken after a meal it is absorbed by the fat droplets coming from the small intestine, goes into the lymphatic drainage, and bye-passes the liver so that it is not immediately broken down. Peak serum levels are reached after two to four hours, and most is broken down by eight hours, so that this form needs to be taken two or ideally three times a day.
The other safe oral preparation is mesterolone (Pro-Viron), which comes in the form of white 25 mg tablets made by the German firm of Schering. Unlike testosterone itself, and other testosterone derivatives, which are broken down to both an active product called dihyrotestosterone (DHT) and oestrogens, mesterolone only produces raised levels of the former, which makes it a weaker androgen, particularly in relation to improving both libido and potency. However for unknown reasons, it still sometimes seems to work when the undecanoate fails, and so is a useful reserve form, especially when it is wished to maintain or even improve fertility, which the other preparations may suppress. It can for example help young men with the "locker-room syndrome" mentioned earlier, and those who wish to have more facial and body hair to make them feel more "macho". This is little used now.
Creams and Gels.
These have come to the fore in the last ten years, and are probably the most popular form of testosterone treatment. First in the field was Androgel (Testogel in the UK), which is a clear alcoholic solution of pure testosterone, one application to the arms, shoulders or trunk giving good levels of testosterone for 24 hours.
In Australia, Lawley pharmaceuticals in Perth developed an excellent preparation of testosterone in an aqueous base of Macdemia nut oil, either 1% as Androfem for women, 2% for low dosage in men as Andromen, or 5% for stronger dosage in men.
Dr Malcolm Carruthers is one of the very few UK based physicians who specialise in the diagnosis and treatment of testosterone deficiency. With a broad training in general and laboratory medicine, for the last twenty years he has specialised in Men's Health, andrology, particularly treating the Andropause aka Male Menopause.